Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Doctoral Research Scholars

Here is a list of my research scholars for Ph.D. in the discipline of English.
1. Dr C N Eswari
2. Dr L Saraswathi
3. Mrs. M Renuga
4. Mrs. M Vijaya
5. Mr. S Kumaran
6. Mr S Ramaraju
The first two have obtained their doctoral degrees. The third is submiting her thesis this month end. And the rest are working towards writing their dissertation.One more is also working under my guidance. Depending upon the rate of success in progress this name will be posted later.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Books on soft skills

I came to know about two interesting books on soft skills. One is called Soft Power: An Introduction to Core and Corporate Soft Skills, published by ICFAI University Press. Another is called InCoporate, promoted by Scope International. Of course, some readers may already be familiar with Corporate Soft Skills by Sarvesh Gulati, published by Rupa and Company. These books will be of great help to any one interested in soft skills.
S P Dhanavel

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Textbook on soft skills

Textbook on Soft Skills
I happened to watch an interview with Dr Mannar Jawahar, Director, Centre for University and Industry Collaboration, Anna University Chennai, today on a local TV Channel. In the course of the interview, Dr Jawahar was elaborating the role of colleges and students in developing the students' preparation for employability. He used an acronym, ASK (Atttitude, Skills, and Knowledge), to explain his ideas. While colleges give knowledge to students, the students have to acquire skills on their own by participating in various departmental and college functions, he said. It is the family, if I understood him right, that has to bring about right attitdudes in students.
I belive that colleges can impart soft skills to students by adopting my book on soft skills and using it as a course book in the classroom for a semester or two. Of course, the students have to learn the skills by themeselves. They have to interact with the book and all activities given to them. Surely colleges and universities can provide scope for such learning in the classroom.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Topics for soft skills

My proposed textbook on soft skills covers the following ten topics:
1. Listening Skills
2. Teamwork Skills
3. Emotional Intelligence Skills
4. Assertive Skills
5. Learning Skills
6. Problem Solving Skills
7. Interview Skills
8. Adaptability Skills
9. Non-verbal Communication Skills
10. Written Communication Skills
Other textbook writers may choose to focus on different topics. However, I belive that these ten topics are good enough for a comprehensive training in soft skills for students of general and technical courses.
S P Dhanavel

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Textbook / coursebook on soft skills

My interest in soft skills has prompted me to write a textbook / course book on soft skills for the undergraduate students of both general and technical courses. This book is the first of its kind in the world so far as I know. The title I have for this book is English and Soft Skills. It will be published by Orient Longman Ltd., Hyderabad, as soon as the review and the editorial process is over. Let me hope that colleges and universities in India will welcome this book and make use of it for developing the employability skills of the college graduates.
S P Dhanavel